Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Sketch

I thought I should pop into my poor, neglected blog for a visit. So, here I am. Hello blog! I have accumulated lots o' drawings since the last time I was here. I am going to make a proposition: I will post on this blog at least 3 times a week. If I don't, seek me out and yell at me. Today, after a few days without drawing (I've gone to a lot of movies and watched a lot of movies this week), I finally got back into this drawing thing today. This was done for the weekend drawing event at I spent about 2 hours on it (that is the time limit for weekend drawing event drawings). Anyway, here I am again world and here is my drawing!


Anonymous said...

who cares?

Anonymous said...

And I like the idea, a drawing blog... :-)

Anne said...

I find it odd that you are just showing up on a random blog to say something negative. If you aren't interested, don't read it. Create your own content, rather than slamming someone else's. And it's cowardly to post as "anonymous."

Anonymous said...
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