Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another Weekend Drawing Event Sketch

To the person who had to pop into my blog anonymously to tell me that they didn't find my blog at all interesting (and I certainly never claimed that this was the most interesting blog in the world), I'm still waiting to get a link to his or her blog, so I can judge the content... And once I do get this link, I will judge it on its merits and will not reply in a cowardly anonymous fashion. And your remark is not enough to stop my blogging. So, if you come back (for whatever reason, since my blog is so boring to you), it's still going to be here to bore you. Anyway, here is another one of my two hour sketches. I have many more of these as I participate in this event just about every weekend. And who cares? I don't know if anybody else does, but I enjoy doing these sketches and as this blog is just something that I also enjoy creating content for, I'm going to carry on...

1 comment:

Serena Lewis said...

Anne, your blog is far from boring so I'm glad you didn't allow those negative comments to get you down. I have been subscribed to your blog via Bloglines for some time now and I enjoy seeing your wonderful drawings. Please keep up the great work ~