I thought I should pop into my poor, neglected blog for a visit. So, here I am. Hello blog! I have accumulated lots o' drawings since the last time I was here. I am going to make a proposition: I will post on this blog at least 3 times a week. If I don't, seek me out and yell at me. Today, after a few days without drawing (I've gone to a lot of movies and watched a lot of movies this week), I finally got back into this drawing thing today. This was done for the weekend drawing event at wetcanvas.com. I spent about 2 hours on it (that is the time limit for weekend drawing event drawings). Anyway, here I am again world and here is my drawing!
who cares?
And I like the idea, a drawing blog... :-)
I find it odd that you are just showing up on a random blog to say something negative. If you aren't interested, don't read it. Create your own content, rather than slamming someone else's. And it's cowardly to post as "anonymous."
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