Thursday, April 03, 2008

Just a sketch...

I am just going to pop in and post the sketch I did this morning as I haven't done much more than sketch lately. My class meets for the last time this weekend, so I'm frantically trying to finish all of the assignments that will be due. That's the danger with this classes that meet one weekend per month--I save everything for the last minute. I have been doing everything in my power this morning to avoid homework (the danger of having to use the computer for homework is that the Internet is there with all of its glorious distractions). Anyway, time for me to buckle down. I did take the day off from work, so I could work on this homework, so that's what I need to be doing. Another thing that is making it all difficult is the fact that spring has actually arrived. It is 49 degrees and sunny outside and after a long, cold, snowy winter, one just wants to go outside and do a little spring dance, but in my case, one must stay inside and type type type...

Anyway, as mentioned, I have been doing a lot of these quick pen sketches lately. When you don't have a lot of time, its a good way to get a little drawing in. It is also quite liberating to not be able to use the good ol' eraser as you just go for it and maybe observe things a little more closely and carefully since you don't have your eraser friend to fall back on. I should also mention that I would love to do what this boy is doing (well, perhaps I would sit rather than stand). It is a dream of mine to ride through the jungle on an elephant's back.

1 comment:

Serena Lewis said...

Nice sketch, Anne! I tend to leave things off until the last minute too. Funny though, I tend to work better under pressure even though I hate it. Does that make sense? lol