Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just a sketch...

Here is my "just a sketch for the day." I am sitting here with my fingers crossed (which makes it awfully difficult to type) that my T-1098 comes in the mail today. I have my taxes all prepared except for that part. This is the form that gives me a bit of a break for being a student and can add up to a few hundred dollars. I'm going to e-file today whether it comes or not, but please let it get here! You may be wondering why I am waiting for it today on deadline day. Why didn't I have it before? Well, I lost it. That's sort of the story of my life. I'm always losing things: my glasses, my keys, papers, etc... I actually spent about 10 hours this weekend looking for one of my w2s (found that one finally) and this particular form. If I could get a dollar for every hour that I spend looking for something, I would be obscenely wealthy. Anyway, I thought I could relax last week after finishing my class, but no, tax day was coming and I still had the big w2 hunt of 2008 to look forward to. But tomorrow it will be over and I will rest on my laurels!

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