Monday, April 07, 2008

It's raining...

Or it was raining yesterday. I haven't looked outside yet, but according to my little weather icon, it is snowing. This is not unusual for April 7th, so I shouldn't be surprised. I'm sure it will all melt right away anyway. I did the above sketch for the weekend drawing event at wetcanvas, however, as I was swamped with homework, I never even got around to posting it. Yesterday we got out of class several hours early (at 11:30 for a class that was technically supposed to go until 5), but I just needed the day to recover--both mentally and physically. So, I didn't do any drawing or anything else for that matter. I took a sick day today as I was feeling very run down and had a bit of an upset stomach, so I'm determined that today is going to be a drawing and painting play day. I'm very excited to get started.

1 comment:

Serena Lewis said...

Great drawing, good that you're not well though. I hope you feel better soon.