Friday, June 16, 2006

Double the Elephants, Double the Fun

I haven't posted to this blog in ages. I think I'm going to start using it more. I also had to create one of these blogs for class, so I'm just all over cyberspace. I've started painting recently, so drawing has kind of taken a back seat. But that doesn't mean I haven't been doing it at all. It's just not my main focus lately. As I mentioned in my last post, I love to draw rhinos. These are obviously not rhinos, but they definitely have similar traits. They both are huge creatures with rough, wrinkly, gray hide. I've just been working on these guys very slowly. I take them out when I want to relax. Painting is a lot of fun and it is the shiny new car to drawing's old reliable car, but drawing will always be my first love. When I finish this drawing, I think I'm going to give it to a friend of mine who loves elephants. I have to start giving some of my things away. I am accumulating so much paper(and now canvases) and I don't have room for it all. Yes, I do get attached to things, but I always have a copy in my computer.

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