Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"I've Got My Eye on You"

I do love to draw the roosters. I think this is the fifth that I've done. It's my first rooster painting, although some people call colored pencil works paintings. I would call them drawings, since they are done with pencils. Anyway, I've been playing around with acrylics and they are so much fun. This painting only took about a half an hour. The same drawing in colored pencil would have taken days. This rooster looks rather angry. Perhaps someone has locked him out of the hen house and he wants to have bacon and eggs for breakfast. I do think roosters are known for being ornery, selfish beasts. They don't care if they wake everyone in the neighborhood up with their "cockadoodledoos." They think since they are up, everyone else should be. I'm glad that I don't have any roosters in my neighborhood, but there are some people like that too.

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