Wednesday, March 12, 2008

In Search of Lost Drawings...

Like Marcel Proust, I am in search of something lost. While Proust may have been looking for lost time, I am looking for a lost drawing. And as Marcel's volumes are known for their extended length, my search is also known for its lengthiness. In my search, I have uncovered many other drawings that were lost, but not this particular lost drawing. The drawing I am searching for is the above drawing of tomatoes. I would like to finish it and give it to my mom for her birthday, but I can't do that if I can't find it. I'm sure Marcel Proust (well, maybe not now as he is no longer with us) could come up with a lengthy prose passage on these tomatoes, but I don't know if I have it in me to embark in another lengthy search for them. Anyway, on a positive note, I did find the elephant drawing that I had been looking for (these guys here).

In the continuing saga of electric pencil sharpeners, I took a trip to Office Max last night and I bought a new one. And going against my "never buy the extended warranty for anything rule," when the guy asked me if I would like to pay an extra $2.99 for an extended warranty, I jumped on it. This will guarantee it for 2 years. Considering the fact that all of mine have died on me in about 6 months time, this is a good deal.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Another Portrait...

One of my creative goals for the year is to complete a colored pencil portrait. I had started a colored pencil portrait before, but got frustrated and quit. I have done some tiny ATC sized colored pencil portraits, but those are so small I can't count them as a full portrait. The reference photo I used is one of the many wonderful selections from this weeks weekend drawing event. The picture was just begging to be done in color. I would like to work on it more today, but my electric pencil sharpener isn't working and I have had to use a hand held sharpener. One of the colors that I need to use just doesn't want to be sharpened. It breaks off whenever it approaches sharpness. Frustrating! I feel like throwing the sharpener and pencil across the room! But what good would that do? I guess I will paint this afternoon instead. I haven't hauled out my paints in awhile. And then there's the matter of homework... The class I am taking this semester only meets one weekend a month, so it's easy to get lazy. The last weekend is March 5&6 and all my assignments are due that weekend. It could get pretty miserable towards the end if I don't get things started soon!